We’re passionate about helping you uncover your limitless potential.
Meet Loddie
Life is about exploring beyond the boundaries of our comfort zones so we can continue to expand them. Imagine a world where everyone felt freedom and joy in doing so.
Dr. Loddie Foose is a former political refugee turned award-winning voice for gender equity, an engineer turned poet, a BCG consultant turned multinational business leader, a closeted writer turned published author, a couch potato turned martial artist. You get the idea. A deep inner awakening resulted in her exiting a successful corporate career to focus on philanthropic efforts and on helping others uncover their limitless potential.
Whether you’re an individual looking to build a new brighter future, or a company looking to unlock potential and more effectively serve your mission, we’ve got you covered. So have fun exploring our offerings! We are proud to use proceeds to support a world without hunger (The Hunger Project, thp.org), so however you choose to engage with us we’re contributing together to something greater.
Welcome, as we work together to imagine and build a bright future!
(Loddie received her PhD and Post-doctoral training in Chemical Engineering from the University of California Berkeley and Caltech, respectively. Hence, “DocDocFoose.” The play on the popular children’s game “duck duck goose” is also a reminder not to take ourselves too seriously.)